Jason's Reading (rated good)

I’ve been interested in journaling for a while and decided that reading a book about it might help me start a more consistent habit. Rainer presents lots of techniques and examples of how to use journaling not just to record events but also to explore one’s feelings, work out problems, make decisions, etc. I especially appreciated her non-prescriptive attitude. I’m still struggling to write regularly – it’s hard to find the time – but I’m glad to be equipped with a better approach to journaling.

State of Wonder by Ann Patchett

Dec 2024 · ๐Ÿ‘
Wow, the ending really got me. The book was good throughout – an interesting story, nuanced characters, ethical grey areas, a good dose of suspense despite Patchett’s typical slow pace (which I love). But the last two chapters flipped everything upside down and then the book was just over with very little sense of closure. I don’t see that as a bad thing, though; it was a fitting finish and one that I’ll likely be thinking about for a while.
This book was slow and not particularly exciting and still so interesting. Jimmy Carter became an influential politician, but 90 years ago he was just a normal kid growing up on a south Georgia farm in the Depression era. I loved learning about what rural life was like back then. It seems like an entirely different world. โ€ฆ
Wow – talk about a page turner! Hendrix’s foreshadowing adds a level of dread to the suspense, and I had to read the second half all in one four-hour sitting because I couldn’t tear myself away. I did enjoy the story, though. Hendrix portrays the Southern women well, commenting on gender, homemaking, race, and class in a humorous, horrific way.
For years, I’ve had a positive view of immigration based purely on intuition and personal experience; now I finally feel like I have some facts to back me up. Hernandez explains how research overwhelmingly demonstrates that immigrants have almost entirely positive effects on society, and that even the few negative effects are minor and short-lived. He does a good job of mixing relatable anecdotes with summaries of scientific studies to create an engaging, credible argument. โ€ฆ

Commonwealth by Ann Patchett

Oct 2024 · ๐Ÿ‘
Ann Patchett continues to amaze me with her ability to make the details of normal life so interesting. I particularly enjoyed the way that she used a non-linear timeline to create a sense of anticipation. I didn’t feel quite as attached to the people in this book as I have to some of Patchett’s other characters, but I appreciated the story nonetheless. Life is messy, and it’s nice to embrace that.
Philbrick tells the story of the Essex well. I enjoyed the narrative and particularly appreciated the connections he made to its famous fictional counterpart, Herman Melville’s Moby Dick. But wow, what a horrific situation! โ€ฆ
Another interesting, well-told bit of history. Growing up in the United States, I of course learned about the Civil War, but never with this kind of depth. Larson makes the lead-up to the war interesting, understandable, and personal. His portrayal of some of the characters is a bit caricature-esque, focused on only a few aspects of their personality, but on the whole the book feels like a credible recounting of a time that we would do well to remember; the antagonism and unwillingness to understand the “other” are eerily reminiscent of our modern political situation.
An interesting story about the United States’ westward expansion and its impact on the native tribes. The main plot and its surrounding context were presented well; background details were plentiful but didn’t bog things down. I especially appreciated the way that Pearl related the facts impartially rather than taking a one-sided history-by-the-winners approach.
More horror, this time in short story form. I especially enjoyed “Technicolor” (what a fascinating lecture!) and “The Wide, Carnivorous Sky”. I’m not sure if it’s the genre or just Langan, but it seemed like all of the stories used interesting literary techniques that I haven’t seen much of elsewhere; the writing style is at least as enjoyable as the plot. โ€ฆ

Rocket Boys by Homer Hickam

Jun 2024 · ๐Ÿ‘
As a kid I loved October Sky, the film version of this story, so when I stumbled on the book I was excited to read it. It’s a great tale of perseverance and shows just how important a few positive influences can be in one’s formative years. I particularly enjoyed a deeper look at the relationship between the author and his father, which I don’t recall being depicted nearly as well in the movie.

1984 by George Orwell

Apr 2024 · ๐Ÿ‘
Another interesting dystopian novel. I enjoyed Orwell’s exploration of truth and the consequences of allowing it to become malleable. The role of torture in his fictional world, not merely as a way to scare people into submission but rather as a method of completely changing who people are, is both intriguing and alarming. โ€ฆ
I was about ready to abandon this book during the first part, in which Newport describes all the reasons why a workflow focused on email and chat is terribly unproductive. It felt too drawn out, and although I’m certainly in agreement that the constant distraction imposed by electronic messaging isn’t good, some of his arguments were weak. But I wanted to see what suggestions he’d have for alternative workflows, and I’m glad that I persevered; the productivity suggestions in the second half of the book are useful and broadly applicable. I’ve never really been subjected to a “hyperactive hive mind” messaging-based workflow, but I’m hoping to make some changes based on Newport’s advice anyway. โ€ฆ

The Rose Code by Kate Quinn

Feb 2024 · ๐Ÿ‘
I love a good historical fiction book. Quinn crafts an exciting narrative that demonstrates the unique, interesting history of Bletchley Park, England’s World War II code-breaking center. I enjoyed the three female protagonists, particularly the way that friendship, love, tragedy, and meaningful work changed them throughout the story. โ€ฆ

1491 by Charles Mann

Jan 2024 · ๐Ÿ‘
I found this book quite interesting. I already knew that many of the things I was taught in school about the Indians were inaccurate, but I enjoyed learning more about just how numerous and advanced the pre-Columbian inhabitants of the Americas were. I’m sad that so many of them were wiped out so quickly; I wish we had more of their descendants and their legacy with us today.

The Fisherman by John Langan

Jan 2024 · ๐Ÿ‘
I’m not sure what to think of this book. It’s a horror novel – not my typical genre – that I read based on a friend’s recommendation. I doubt I’ll be reading more like it anytime soon, but I did enjoy Langan’s writing style, and the story, especially the tale told at the diner, was interesting. โ€ฆ
A nice collection of articles written by Krakauer. Some were better than others, of course; I particularly enjoyed “Mark Foo’s Last Ride” and “Gates of the Arctic”. I did miss the extensive context that he typically develops in his books, but that’s just the result of the shorter form.
It took me a long time to read this book. In part, that’s because it was a decently long book. It also wasn’t exactly a riveting book – more facts than stories – so I took some breaks to read other things on the side. But there’s tons of good information and inspiration in here for people (like me!) who want to see kids spend more time outdoors. โ€ฆ

Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer

Oct 2023 · ๐Ÿ‘
Krakauer tells this fascinating, sad, and thought-provoking story well. It’s clear that he investigated McCandless’s adventures quite thoroughly, and he puts the young man’s atypical actions into perspective as well as he can. I enjoyed it. โ€ฆ

The Wager by David Grann

Oct 2023 · ๐Ÿ‘
Another interesting tale. These true adventure stories always leave me marvelling at how much humans can really survive. The lack of available sources about the journey was apparent, but I thought that Grann told the story well anyway.
A fascinating story, skillfully told. I forgot how much I love this genre, whatever it’s called. (Narrative nonfiction adventure, maybe?) Grann bounces between Fawcett’s incredible adventures and the story of his own research quest in an enjoyable way, and he crafts a surprisingly satisfying ending considering that Fawcett’s fate remains a mystery to this day. I’ll definitely be reading more of Grann’s books soon.
This book was interesting but somewhat disheartening. I enjoyed Azuela’s composition of many unspectacular episodes that, taken together, depict how the Mexican Revolution, like many other violent conflicts, began with noble purposes but descended into senseless suffering over time. โ€ฆ
This book is full of parenting inspiration. I love Holt’s view of children: they’re curious, capable little creatures who are born pre-programmed for success, if only we adults don’t get in their way too much. Teach Your Own largely focuses on homeschooling (which I’m becoming more and more interested in) but is also relevant for anyone hoping to foster their children’s innate ability to learn and grow. โ€ฆ
This book is an eye-opening – and sad – description of life in North Korea, which I previously knew nothing about. As someone who’s unhappy with the selfishness and inequality brought about by modern capitalism, I found it particularly interesting to see how alternative systems like communism claim to solve these problems in theory but in practice fail miserably to do so. โ€ฆ

Playborhood by Mike Lanza

Aug 2023 · ๐Ÿ‘
This book is full of practical suggestions for creating a truly kid-friendly neighborhood, and I’m excited to begin putting them into practice. I especially enjoyed the case studies in which Lanza describes successful “playborhoods” around the country; they demonstrate that there are many ways to accomplish this goal. Most of all, I appreciated the way that Lanza’s pragmatic, incremental approach makes a big cultural shift feel like something I can accomplish in my own neighborhood.

Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer

May 2023 · ๐Ÿ‘
I’m amazed that people continue attempting to climb Mt. Everest – it sounds very dangerous and terribly painful. I guess it takes a stubborn, somewhat reckless tenacity that I don’t have. It does make for a good (albeit sad) story, though, and Krakauer tells it well. I’m excited to read a few more of his books soon.
This was one of those books that I’m glad I read but I don’t want to read again – too heavy. Kingsolver does a great job shedding light on the struggles of poverty in general and rural poverty more specifically; she left me mourning for those who suffer the way Demon does and wishing that I could do more to help them. โ€ฆ
This book was mostly great. I loved the way Easter mixed bits of his Alaskan adventure story in with insights about the benefits of discomfort; honestly, I think I would have enjoyed reading a book solely recounting his trip to the wilderness! As for the research findings he shared, the sections about boredom and exercise were particularly interesting and motivating. โ€ฆ
My younger brother gave us this book a while back, and I finally decided to read it. I didn’t entirely understand Fisher’s very philosophical/academic style, but I think I grasped the basic concepts. I liked several of his points: that we ought to recognize the role that systems and structures play in causing societal issues; that we need to do more than just complain about a system we don’t like; and that there are of course alternative economic systems. I do wish Fisher had explored a bit more what exactly those alternative systems are since, as he makes clear, we live in a world where it’s hard to imagine anything besides capitalism. โ€ฆ
This was a quick, touching read. Eddie tells the terrible story of the horrors he experienced at the hands of Nazi Germany, but he shares plenty of wisdom and hope along the way. I think we could all use a bit more of Eddie’s perseverance, love, and kindness in this world.
This was a casual, relaxing read. I found the book because the On Keeping a Notebook essay was mentioned in another book I read, and then I just decided to read the whole thing. Although I don’t think I entirely understood Didion’s message in every essay, I enjoyed her writing style and had a good time reading the book.
This book was an interesting meta read about reading itself. Wolf makes a good case that the skills required for deep reading are the same skills needed to be an informed citizen who thinks for himself, and that our increasingly digital lifestyle is chipping away at those skills. โ€ฆ

Quiet by Susan Cain

Dec 2022 · ๐Ÿ‘
As an introvert, I thoroughly enjoyed this book’s exploration of introversion. Cain highlights lots of interesting research and sprinkles in only tiny quantities of advice, allowing the reader to draw their own conclusions. Although the book claims to be about the power of introverts (and in many ways it is), I found that it was also a great reminder that people of all personalities, introverts and extroverts alike, have important gifts to contribute to the world.
Yet another book on reducing the influence of technology in our lives – it’s probably becoming obvious that I like this topic. Zomorodi explores various ways in which tech (particularly the smartphone) has a negative effect on our lives and provides ideas we can use to regain control. I prefer Cal Newport’s more extreme approach, but I’d guess that most people would find Bored and Brilliant to be a better place to start. โ€ฆ

Dead Wake by Erik Larson

Nov 2022 · ๐Ÿ‘
This book was an interesting and harrowing read. Larson tells the story of the Lusitania’s final voyage well, including plenty of backstory while also keeping things moving. I was intrigued throughout, and the weight of the tragedy makes me grateful for the relatively peaceful times in which I live.
This book may be the densest thing I’ve ever read; its subtitle, A Philosophical Inquiry, is quite accurate. In spite of the difficult reading, I enjoyed the book. It made me reconsider the ways in which technology shapes my life without my realizing it, and it felt remarkably relevant despite having been written in the early 1980s. โ€ฆ
I found this book’s take on how we interact online refreshingly constructive. (Despite its somewhat misleading name, the book is about online communities in general, not just Wikipedia.) Portraying online communities as a useful supplement to our in-person communities, Bruckman analyzes the benefits and difficulties of connecting over the Internet and gives thoughtful suggestions for ensuring that the Internet is a force for good. โ€ฆ

Evicted by Matthew Desmond

Sep 2022 · ๐Ÿ‘
I almost gave up on this book because it was so heartbreaking to read. By following the stories of just a handful of people, Desmond allows the reader to build a connection to them and feel truly saddened each time life doesn’t work out in their favor. He powerfully illustrates the way that deep poverty sucks the energy out of one’s life and makes a convincing case that eviction is more a cause than an effect of poverty. I particularly appreciated the fact that Evicted ends with some concrete suggestions for helping improve the plight of the chronically poor. โ€ฆ
I had a wonderful time reading this book. It was interesting, insightful, and compelling, and despite its ominous take on the attention economy, the book still felt relaxing. I appreciated Odell’s in-depth analysis of the danger of our dwindling attention spans; rather than simply encouraging a few anti-technology practices, she examines the importance of truly paying attention in all kinds of different ways. I particularly enjoyed How to Do Nothing’s emphasis on getting to know one’s bioregion, and I’m eager to read more on that subject.
I loved this book’s focus on “microbusinesses” – it’s full of stories of people who started businesses with little to no outside investment and intentionally kept them small. Some of the stories lacked detail, but for the most part, they got the point across. Reading The $100 Startup got me excited about some business ideas of my own and helped me think through them – I would definitely recommend it to anyone hoping to start a small business.
I enjoyed the way that this book told an interesting story while also raising a tricky moral dilemma. Although the main story takes a more violent route than the Bomber Mafia had envisioned, the book ends on a hopeful note; it’s encouraging to know that technological advances are used to reduce civilian casualties in war. Next step: let’s just not go to war at all because, as Gladwell notes, “all war is absurd.”

Factfulness by Hans Rosling

Jun 2022 · ๐Ÿ‘
It’s both exciting and alarming to discover that you (and everyone, really) have a totally distorted view of the world. That’s the experience I had reading this book. Rosling does a great job of pointing out humans’ fundamental perspective problems in a hopeful, inspiring way. I’d say that Factfulness should be required reading for everyone everywhere.

The Lemon Tree by Sandy Tolan

May 2022 · ๐Ÿ‘
This book left me feeling deeply disappointed in the way humans often treat each other. I grew up aware that there was conflict around Israel, but I never knew enough details to feel much of anything about it; The Lemon Tree certainly changed that. Tolan’s account makes it clear that the history written by the winners tends to be painfully inaccurate and should be thoroughly scrutinized. โ€ฆ

Braving It by James Campbell

May 2022 · ๐Ÿ‘
Reading Braving It made me feel excited to spend more time outdoors. It also made me afraid of having teenage children of my own. ๐Ÿ˜ฌ Campbell does a good job telling the story of his and his daughter’s Alaskan adventures, using enough detail to communicate the beauty and hardships of the wilderness without getting boring.
This book was a fascinating mix of history, adventure, and mystery. I thought Preston did a great job interleaving his own story as part of the expedition to discover an ancient American city with historical context, and he piqued my interest in the pre-Columbian civilizations – I’ll certainly be looking for more books about the ancient Americas soon. โ€ฆ

Caste by Isabel Wilkerson

Apr 2022 · ๐Ÿ‘
This was an eye-opening book about the causes and persistent, deep effects of racial division in the United States. Wilkerson clearly demonstrates the harmful effects of not just overt racism but of the unconscious bias that comes from growing up in a society which continues to teach us, whether consciously or unconsciously, that white people are superior to those of other races. I feel that I’ve gained a new level of understanding from this book that will help me treat others more equally. โ€ฆ

Endurance by Alfred Lansing

Apr 2022 · ๐Ÿ‘
This is the kind of story that seems so crazy it can’t possibly be true, but it is. I was amazed that Shackleton and his crew managed to survive months on the Antarctic ice pack, two journeys in tiny boats on the open ocean, crossing a never-before-crossed island, and more. Lansing did a great job telling this remarkable story.
This book about Joe Rantz and his rowing crew mates might be my favorite kind of book. Non-fiction; centered on someone interesting but not too well-known; told at a relaxed pace with lots of detail (but not to the point that I get bored); and told skillfully as a fascinating, heart-warming story. Basically, it’s a wonderfully written inspirational sports story. I loved it. โ€ฆ
This was a short but powerful book. I found that I kept wanting more and more of Morrie’s wise advice, and I finished the whole book in less than 24 hours. (It helped that I had extra time because my kids were sick and slept lots.) I came away from the book touched by Morrie’s goodness and inspired to be less self-absorbed and more willing to help others.
This was a moving story about the effects of death, or more precisely, the effects of being confronted with death. The book caused me to consider what is most meaningful in my life and how I can ensure that my actions reflect that. โ€ฆ

Winnie the Pooh by A. A. Milne

Mar 2022 · ๐Ÿ‘
My son started watching the 2011 Disney Winnie the Pooh movie a year or so ago, and although neither my wife nor I grew up caring much about this classic stuffed bear, we both found it quite charming. I decided to read the book, and it was a fun, quick read. I’d love to read it to my kids at bedtime when they’re old enough to pay attention despite the scarcity of pictures.
I’ve heard about this book for years, and I think it’s an open source classic for a reason – Raymond articulates many of the reasons why open source development is capable of producing great results, often better than any commercial counterpart. However, probably because the book is more than 20 years old and open source has already become an accepted success, I didn’t find the book especially interesting; the arguments feel obvious and somewhat unnecessary at this point. But while its ideas aren’t particularly novel in 2022, The Cathedral and the Bazaar did get me thinking about why, despite its clear advantages, open source hasn’t taken over the commercial world. โ€ฆ
Reading about the early history of the Internet – from the origins of the ARPANET in the 1960s until it was decommissioned in 1990 – was fascinating. It’s amazing to realize that even the people who built the foundation of the Internet had no idea what it would become. I was also struck by the way ARPA functioned – it had lots of government funding and almost as much freedom to choose its research directions – and by the persistence required for each innovation that led to the Internet of today. All in all, Where Wizards Stay Up Late was an interesting, inspiring read.
I cruised through this book, partly because I enjoyed it and partly because my daughter was sick and I spent lots of time holding her (and reading) while she slept. The first half, which covers the time period from Linus’s childhood through the early years of Linux, was my favorite part because it told his not-so-typical story in a very relatable way. It’s inspiring that curiosity and determination took him all the way from typing for his grandfather to developing a world-class operating system. โ€ฆ
After re-watching the 2019 movie over the holidays, I decided to read Little Women. I enjoyed the way the book began as a carefree, humorous account of the girls’ childhood and became more somber (although still amusing) as they grew up and experienced some of the hardships of life. Alcott skillfully composes many short stories into one cohesive narrative and teaches the reader that a truly happy life includes hard work, hard times, and especially love.