Jason's Reading (books by Cal Newport)

I was about ready to abandon this book during the first part, in which Newport describes all the reasons why a workflow focused on email and chat is terribly unproductive. It felt too drawn out, and although I’m certainly in agreement that the constant distraction imposed by electronic messaging isn’t good, some of his arguments were weak. But I wanted to see what suggestions he’d have for alternative workflows, and I’m glad that I persevered; the productivity suggestions in the second half of the book are useful and broadly applicable. I’ve never really been subjected to a “hyperactive hive mind” messaging-based workflow, but I’m hoping to make some changes based on Newport’s advice anyway. โ€ฆ
I’ve been working on finding ways to improve my relationship with technology, especially with my smartphone, for several months now, but I haven’t had great success. I think this book may have changed that (although time will tell – it’s only been about a month since I started the book). Newport convincingly describes not just how to improve one’s relationship with technology, but rather how to get technology out of the way and start living a more fulfilling life. I found his recommended digital declutter process quite effective, and the advice he gives for being a digital minimalist is so good that I’m considering buying a copy of the book for future reference.