created by Jason Cox
This year for Christmas, my siblings, wife, and I decided to each give a gift to one other person rather than having everyone give to everyone else. I’m a nerd, so instead of simply drawing names (what are we, animals?!), I wrote a little Python script to generate matches for us.
The script is quite basic and not terribly optimized (because it doesn’t need to be). The only “special feature” is that I made it possible to specify bad_matches
to prevent my wife and I from giving to each other – we’ll already be giving to each other outside of this gift exchange.
Here’s the script, with fictional names and excessive comments:
import random
# list of people giving/receiving gifts
people = ['Tom', 'Sally', 'Bill', 'Louise', 'Jennifer', 'Carl']
# disallowed matches -- person p cannot give to anyone in bad_matches[p]
bad_matches = {'Bill': ['Louise'], 'Louise': ['Bill']}
# sort people so that those with disallowed matches appear first and therefore
# have a greater chance of finding a valid match in the possible remaining
# receivers
people.sort(key=lambda p: 0 if p not in bad_matches else len(bad_matches[p]),
# helper function to check if giver can give to receiver
def can_match(giver, receiver):
return giver != receiver and (giver not in bad_matches or
receiver not in bad_matches[giver])
# keep trying to generate all matches, stopping if it takes too many iterations
matches = {}
iters = 0
while iters < 10 and len(matches) < len(people):
iters += 1
# create a list of all possible receivers from people, copying to allow for
# mutation later
receivers = [p for p in people]
# find a receiver for each giver
for giver in people:
# generate a list of possible receiver for this giver
valid_receivers = [r for r in receivers if can_match(giver, r)]
# start over if there are no valid receivers left for this giver
if len(valid_receivers) == 0:
# pick a random valid receiver
receiver = random.choice(valid_receivers)
matches[giver] = receiver
# remove the chosen receiver so that each person only receives one gift
# fail if not able to generate all matches
if len(matches) < len(people):
print(f'Could not generate valid matches in {iters} iteration(s).')
# print all matches, with nice formatting
print(f'Valid matches generated in {iters} iteration(s):')
max_giver_len = max([len(p) for p in people])
for giver in matches:
# pad giver with spaces so all arrows line up
print(giver + ' ' * (max_giver_len - len(giver)) + ' -> ' + matches[giver])
And here’s a sample output:
Valid matches generated in 1 iteration(s):
Bill -> Carl
Louise -> Tom
Tom -> Bill
Sally -> Jennifer
Jennifer -> Louise
Carl -> Sally